Give yourself permission to be YOU!

Give yourself permission to be YOU!

Don’t let anyone tell you you’re too much of something or not enough of something else. 
Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. 
You can do anything, you can be anything, and you can create any life that you desire!
Some people will try to keep you in a place where they’re comfortable with you, and where they feel that you’re best serving them and their interest. 
But you’re here to be you! 
When you break out of other people’s conditions for you, and you decide to step out into the life you know you are here to live, you will make some people uncomfortable. 
And that’s OK! 
Your existence is not here to fulfill other’s dreams, and you’re not here to please everyone else.
You arrived here on this planet with a purpose inside of you, a dream so big that when you allow yourself to feel the pull of that desire, you will stop worrying about what everyone else thinks you should or shouldn’t do, and you will step out there into the person you are here to be!
This is a big world that needs big influence, and the dream inside of you is achievable!
You are meant to go out and do incredible things to make a difference on this planet!
There are people and animals out there that need your voice and your strength, and there is a world out there that needs you to fulfill your passion. 
Some of the most influential people were told early on that they couldn’t achieve their dreams. 
But they didn’t listen to those people, they listened to their own inner voice, because they knew the passion inside of them to create what they were here to create was bigger than what anyone else told them. 
The universe is abundant!
And when we stop allowing circumstances or people to dictate our dreams, and when we stop listening to that limiting voice that sometimes takes over in our head from past experiences or insecurities, that’s when we align with the true power of our ability to create and fulfill the dream and passion in our heart and our soul!
Even if the place where you are right now seems like everything is stacked against you, even if you feel that you’ll be criticized, even if you know there may be fallout when you step out into the truth of what you are here to do, and who you’re meant to be, follow your inner guidance and step out anyway! 
Everything on this planet was once only imagined.
Everything once imagined needed a brave, strong, passion-filled human to go out and create that imagination into reality. 
Your dreams and desires are reality, it just needs to be moved from the imagined into the physical state. 
You have everything within you to do that as long as you stay tuned and aligned with the truth and the knowing that you can do, be, share, and give anything that’s in your heart. 
The world needs your unique gifts! 
The world needs you!
- Lori Ellis


Finance NewsLori Ellis